How to Enable or Disable the Weekly Email Summary

With UserFeedback, you can get a week-to-week email report of the total number of responses received per survey.

Learn how to enable or disable your UserFeedback weekly email notifications in this guide.


  1. You’ve installed the UserFeedback plugin.
  2. Your published survey has collected some responses.

First go to UserFeedback » Settings » Email to locate the options for this feature.

Next, add your email address, or multiple email addresses (separated by a comma) under Recipients. This will enable weekly email summaries.

By default, the Template for the email notification is set as HTML.

For Pro users or higher, you can also add a custom Header Image. The recommended size is 300×100 or smaller.

To disable the weekly email notifications feature, please leave Recipients blank.

Once you’ve made your changes, click Save Settings.

That’s it! You learned how to configure UserFeedback Email Summaries for your WordPress site.

What’s next? Learn how to receive email notifications as soon someone submits a response to your surveys here: How to Setup Email Notifications